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How you can donate and help OUR Church

ways you can donate:



we would love to see you, but if you can't come, let us know you are thinking about us. Address is at the bottom of the page.


Look us up on Facebook, Elizabeth Baptist Church Argyle and like our page!



Drop us an email, y'all know you can't donate by an email...C'Mon!



we do accept text let us know if you would like us to pray with you and/or for you!

We would love for you to come join us, but we know that all the time, you may not be able to. As we attempt to spread The Word of God outside of the four walls of the church, all donations to the church will be greatly appreciated it. We do our absolute best to use any and every donation for the uplifting of The Kingdom of God and according to his will. If you have clothing, school supplies or anything that you feel we can use it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

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